Protection glasses for polymerization

Radiation from curing lights poses a real risk of radiation-related eye damage - both acute and chronic.

The dental staff is exposed to intense light exposure daily, especially when polymerizing composite.

The new goggles have a transmittance of 0.1%, which meets the recommendations for the area when working with polymerization lamps.


Protection glasses for polymerization

Beskyttelsesbriller dentalkonsol

Light curing is part of every clinician's daily routine. Therefore, it is important to use eye protection to reduce the risk of light-induced eye damage. Unfortunately, only about 2/3 of dental professionals use eye protection*. Make it easy to protect yourself in the clinic and have glasses available where light-curing is done.

Eye checkup

Radiation from curing lights poses a real risk of radiation-related eye damage - both acute and chronic. Dental care workers are exposed to repeated radiation. Light-induced retinal damage does not only occur acutely but can also be a result of accumulated radiation over a longer period.