Root infection and treatment
Root infection and symptoms
Root canal inflammation is an inflammation at the root of a tooth where the nerve has died. Root canal inflammation occurs if bacteria penetrate the dead nerve, typically due to a deep caries attack that has penetrated the tooth nerve, but the condition can also occur after a blow to the tooth or a crack in the tooth. It can also occur even after the tooth has been treated for root canal disease or a crown has been fitted.
The first sign of a root infection is that the tooth is sore when you chew or tap on it lightly. However, most people go for a long time without symptoms. Root infection is diagnosed with an X-ray taken at the dentist.
Treating root canal disease
A root infection (pulpitis) can only be treated by either pulling the tooth out, opening it up, removing the infected root, or cleaning it out. To do this, the dentist will make a conical cavity with a smooth surface by using several rotating root files of increasing diameter and conicity. Next, the dentist will clean the pulp chamber as effectively as possible of bacteria, after which the dentist will fill it with a dense sealing material typically made of gutta-percha (natural gum from gutta-percha trees).
There must be no air pockets in the root filling, as this can lead to reinfection. This may sound easy, but, in many cases, it is a difficult procedure. First of all, because the dimensions are very small, and then not least because many root canals can be very curved. Cleaning and filling a very thin and very curved canal without being able to see what you are doing is difficult. This is why only about 50% of root fillings are successful after 5 years.
There are two main reasons for this: firstly, it is very difficult to remove all bacteria because they hide inside the wall of the root canal itself. Secondly, it is difficult to fill a thin curved canal without leaving a small air pocket.
The key is therefore to kill the bacteria in the root canal, clean it out well and make a tight root filling.