

The development of periodontitis can be seen from 4 main factors,
which are part of the etiology of the disease.

More than 47% of the population over 30 and more than 70% over 65 are affected by periodontal disease.

Therefore, periodontology is a specialty of great importance for the health of the population. In recent years of knowledge, it has become clear that periodontitis is closely linked to systemic diseases and the health of the oral cavity has a significant impact on our overall health.

This demonstrates the need to focus more on oral biofilms and the diseases that develop when they are out of balance.

The dental visit should be given much more attention as part of our disease control.

Read more about periodontitis and other diseases:

periodontitis and other illness





The first piece in the development of periodontitis is the presence of the wrong bacteria. Without them, no immune response, no inflammation, and therefore no periodontitis.

Put another way, it is the balance between the "good, the bad, and the ugly bacteria" that determines the outcome (professionally called the green, yellow and red bacterial complexes).

The bacteria in the biofilm on tooth root surfaces hide in plaque and tartar. Those patients who do not have the plaque removed, or are genetically predisposed to plaque formation, have a difficult time-fighting periodontitis.


Origin of peri-pathogenic bacteria

No person is born with the bacteria that cause the inflammatory conditions that lead to periodontitis. These bacteria are added during our upbringing from our environment, which is therefore very important.


Genetic factors

It is not only the composition of the bacteria that influences the development of the disease. Our genetic make-up is also important for the development of periodontitis.

This is not to say that periodontitis is a hereditary disease.

However, our genetics play a role in several ways:

Why do the pathogenic bacteria just get the upper hand?


Why does our immune system react in such a way that bone tissue is broken down?

Remember that it is the inflammatory response to the bacteria that breaks down the supporting tissue. You don't get periodontitis without bacteria, but you don't get it without an overreacting immune system.

Our genetic heritage plays an important role, just like in any other disease. Genetic conditions cause us to react differently to all lifestyle influences. Some people develop diabetes in circumstances that do not affect others at all, and the same is true of obesity. Some people are sensitive to hormonal influences and others are not, and so on.

Genetics is a major factor, but we can still do something to improve our health and that of our patients.



Immune system

The immune system plays an important part. No periodontitis without an immune response. Some people react with an "exaggerated" inflammatory response to period-pathogenic bacteria. Other people may have the same bacteria in their pockets without developing periodontitis.

This is not unusual, as the same is true for other inflammatory and auto-immune diseases.


Lifestyle factors

Intake of sugar, for example, stimulates the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

Intake of sugar, for example, stimulates the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

Smoking not only reduces blood circulation in the small vessels but also inhibits the immune system.

Exercise is a factor that helps regulate not only blood sugar but also a wide range of mediators and hormones that affect the immune system.


Medication is a major factor in creating an imbalance of bacteria in the oral cavity. These can be medicines that cause dry mouth or fungus, such as asthma medicines, cortisone treatment, hormone treatment, and of course any treatment that inhibits the immune system.

It can also be found that hormone fluctuations linked to pregnancy, tumors, or just the menstrual cycle can stimulate the wrong bacteria.


Inflammatory or autoimmune diseases have a direct effect on the immune system and thus the development of periodontitis.

Diabetes stimulates the development of periodontitis because of the increased sugar content on the mucosal surfaces.

Fat, especially around organs, is an inflammatory condition that stimulates all other inflammatory processes, including periodontitis, via the release of inflammatory mediators from the adipose tissue.




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Treating periodontitis

In periodontology, the traditional treatment options have been tooth cleaning, depuration, antibiotics, and, in severe cases, surgery. Methods that have been known since the beginning of the 20th century can now be complemented by other treatment options.



Antibiotic treatment of periodontitis

Antibiotic treatment for periodontitis has been used since antibiotics first became commercially available about 50 years ago. This is even though the rationale behind the use of antibiotics is uncertain. Bacteria are involved and they are sensitive to antibiotics.

In any case, most of them are still sensitive, albeit in declining numbers. It should also be borne in mind that periodontitis is not an infectious disease. Infectious diseases are treated with antibiotics for days or weeks and then the disease bacteria are so weakened that the immune system can take care of the rest and you recover. However, antibiotics do not kill all the bacteria. It simply can't be done.

In the case of periodontitis, not all the pathogenic bacteria are killed either. The further difference is that the immune system does not take care of eliminating the last ones, as in infectious diseases.

In periodontitis, the immune system is as much to blame for the problem as the bacteria. This is an overreaction and means that antibiotic treatment may buy the patient some time, months, or years, but it does not get rid of the pathogenic bacteria in earnest.



The negative side effects of antibiotics:

All antibiotic treatment also kills many of the good bacteria, elsewhere in the body too. Repeated treatments over a lifetime can therefore cause far worse problems than periodontitis, such as various autoimmune diseases, dementia, and other CNS disorders. We now know this because most chronic diseases arise from an imbalance between the non-pathogenic and pathogenic bacteria in our bodies.

That said, antibiotics still have a place in the toolbox, but they should only be used if necessary.

With the new knowledge about biofilm and its possible modulation, there are also new offers for patients.

Periodontology is a rapidly evolving specialty with new treatment options that have been shown to give patients a better prognosis without the risk of bone loss.

CMS Dental is at the forefront of this specialty with cutting-edge new technologies and offers a treatment concept with bactericidal LAD treatments and a follow-up with probiotic supplementation for the oral cavity.




CMS dental


CMS Dental offers a treatment concept with bactericidal LAD treatments and a follow-up with probiotic supplements.

Read more about LAD (lightactivated disinfection)


Read more about the two treatment concepts

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