The immune system often stimulates via either the oral cavity or the intestinal tract, where most bacteria are present. The very purpose of a probiotic is to strengthen the biofilm in the oral cavity or to protect tooth surfaces and mucous membranes in the oral cavity.

There are important properties that must be present for an oral probiotic.

To do so, the most important properties of a probiotic strain are:

- That the selected strains can survive in the oral cavity.

- That the selected strains can attach to all the different surfaces of the oral cavity.

Secondly, the selected strains must be able to form biofilms as well as be part of a biofilm. This is because the bacterial strains are not isolated - except in laboratories! Bacteria live freely in a complex structure called a biofilm.


On the other hand, there are properties that we do not want potential probiotic strains to have, they must not produce acid and they must not produce VSC (volatile sulphur compounds).

Overall, the strains chosen must also not contain genes for antibiotic resistance. These are not traits you want to spread more than is strictly necessary.

Probiotics compete with harmful bacteria for space in biofilms and available nutrients. They simply push the harmful bacteria out and eat their food.

Next, probiotics release local antibacterial substances. The reason for this is that, it is part of the different bacteria that have competed over hundreds of millions of years. Some of the bacteria have simply evolved mechanisms to gain advantages over other bacteria.






How to select the most effective probiotics

When we talk about local effects, these must be probiotics that live naturally in the local environment, be it skin, oral cavity, gut, vagina, and so on.

Then you have to look at the more specific details. For example, if you are going to use a probiotic to prevent tooth decay, the bacteria must be able to attach to the tooth surface, but not only that, they must not produce acid, because that's what causes tooth decay. The probiotic bacteria must also be able to easily survive the effects of chemicals in toothpaste, rinses, and other chemicals used in the oral cavity.

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Probiotics of human or animal origin

Curiously, the scientific literature does not address whether probiotics are of human origin - that is, whether they are originally derived from humans. Alternatively, whether they are derived, for example, from chickens, mice, or other animals.

In our view, it is logical that the natural evolutionary process over millions of years has selected which bacteria are best suited to survive in and on humans.

For this reason, probiotics of human origin should be preferred because they simply have better chances of survival.

This consideration applies only to the local effects, where it is desired that the selected bacteria colonize the specific area for as long as possible.


Yoghurt og kefir


Artificial or natural bacteria in probiotics

There seems to be a misconception that there are artificial bacteria in probiotics versus natural bacteria in fermented foods.

Let's first establish that the bacteria in probiotic oral care products and supplements are natural.

By "artificial" bacteria we mean GMO bacteria, i.e. genetically modified bacteria.

Bacteria contained in fermented foods are no more "natural" than those contained in food supplements. Or, if you like, they are all equally natural. The fact that they are natural does not necessarily mean that they can settle in our bodies if we consume them either as supplements or through food. It is the properties of the bacteria that determine whether they can colonize the body.


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Probiotics application

Probiotics can be used in all patients, there are no side effects or contraindications.

Patients who have an imbalance in the bacterial composition of the oral biofilm benefit from probiotics for the oral cavity.

This is seen in patients with systemic chronic diseases and certain types of pharmaceutical treatments.

These are factors that affect the health of the oral cavity and can cause an increased risk of caries, periodontal disease, and risk of fungal infections.



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ProlacSan and oral probiotics

The lactic acid bacteria in ProlacSan®, Lactobacillus Brevis, and Plantarum, are strains of bacteria specially selected and tested for use in the oral cavity. They are originally found in the oral cavity of children with a really good oral status despite living in areas of the world without preventive dental care.


prolacsan biofilm kontrol

ProlacSan® strengthens the biofilm in the oral cavity

ProlacSan® strengthens the biofilm in the oral cavity and may benefit patients with oral cavity problems caused by one of the following conditions:

- Diabetes

- Periodontitis

- Halitosis

- Canker sores

- Xerostomia

Medical treatments can also upset the bacterial balance in the oral cavity. This is seen in patients taking asthma medication, and antibiotics and for those patients undergoing chemotherapy. In these cases, ProlacSan® will help maintain a healthy oral cavity in the proper bacterial balance.

Read more about ProlacSan